Friday, August 3, 2018

Every once in a while I get to do something really different. Here's a set of 4 plush toys that belong to specific characters from different movies. Maybe you can guess which character each belongs to!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

More Villains

Here are a couple of designs for a series of stained glass villain pins done for the Disney Studio Store in Hollywood. They have a 3D cast frame and the area behind the characters is done with a stained glass technique. Fun, unique pins to design!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Here is a set of villain pins I did several years ago. To make them unique they have a split down the middle two tone design. Represented are The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and making a very rare appearance is the The Horned King from The Black Cauldron. More on that movie another time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Here's a pin of Rafiki from The Lion King. This was designed for a three pin set available through Disney Movie Rewards.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pin Trader Delight Pins

Here are some of the PTD designs I've done. PTDs allow a great variety of characters to be used, which makes them a really enjoyable project.

 Mother Gothel from Tangled: Tangled has been a very popular film and the pins that go along with it have been equally popular. At the time I designed this I think there were only one or two pins of this character. There still aren't that many.

Giselle from Enchanted: This is the cartoon version of the lovely Amy Adams character. The film uses the Art Nouveau style and I enjoyed incorporating that into the pin design. 

Winnie the Pooh: This was my first PTD. Pooh is a great classic character!

Oliver from Oliver and Company: There's a lot of love for kittens and puppies in the pin world!

Olivia from The Great Mouse Detective: GMD is such a wonderful underrated film and Olivia is a bright and energetic character.

 King Candy from Wreck-it Ralph: WIR is a very original film with a broad range of characters. Pins for this movie have a great popularity and they are being produced more and more.

Remy from Ratatouille: It's always interesting to do a Pixar character. Their rounded and textured designs have to be done in a flatter 2D style for pins.

Chip from Beauty and the Beast: Some characters really lend themselves to a theme and having Chip hold the ice cream worked out well.

Chesire Cat from Alice in Wonderland: Always fun to work with "crazy"!

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast: Gaston is a great character to work with...No one has a bigger personality than Gaston! Originally he was holding two sundaes, but I was asked to change them to root beer floats and I'm glad because it really looks more in character.

Hades from Hercules: It can be difficult to design a single pin that actually tells a story or has a joke or humor to it. Here we have Hades, unlike all the other characters, he just can't enjoy ice cream. Poor guy!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Robin Hood!!

I have fond memories of seeing Robin Hood when I was a kid, so designing these pins was a treat!

Here's a 3 pin set celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the film's release.

And this is a more recent design from last year celebrating Robin Hood's 40th Anniversary. I included almost all of the main characters. A lot of work, but lots of fun!

 This is little Tagalong, part of an Easter series.

 And Skippy is enjoying an ice cream cone! This design was for Disney's Hollywood Studio Store / Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and their Pin Trader Delights (PTDs). You get a pin with the purchase of the Pin Trader Delight Sundae. The PTDs have become extremely popular over the last couple of years. I'll post more later.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Here's a design from a few years ago for Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. It's a fun challenge to work with subject matter that isn't the usual cartoon character.

The recessed metal with translucent fill gives the Nautilus sub a shiny and rich look.